Space Pirates

Hektor Weinstein

Cast Biographies
The Bulletin Board
The E-Complaint Desk
More Space Pirates
The Museum of Unnatural Spacery
Your Artwork Here
Creator Notes


Voice Characterization: Jason Alexander

Hektor was born in Brooklyn in 1953. His father was a well-respected rabbi, and a very supportive father. His mother was a leading scientist in the field of Neurology. As a child, Hektor took a great interest in science, which developed as he progressed through school. By the time Hektor reached the eighth grade, his passion narrowed down to anatomy, and upon graduating high school, it narrowed even further to the anatomy of the brain. Through sophmore year of college, Hektor's major was Brain Science, but upon starting junior year, he switched his major to Child Psychiatry.

Upon graduating college in 1975, he became an intern at the NY Psychiatric Hospital. One year later, the hospital offered Hektor work as a doctor in child psychiatry. At the same time, the Megaloch Orphanage for Neglected Children contacted Hektor with a job working as a child psychologist. Hektor felt that though his work in New York would help children cope with illness and disease, working with neglected children would be more rewarding. With this, Hektor moved to Megaloch City, and began work at the orphanage.

Here, he met six year old "The Captain," and found the greatest challenge of his career. His work with The was a twenty-four hour endeavor, as The would require constant supervision, and frequent counciling. It was discovered that The had ADHD, high skitzophrenia, and tendencies toward paranoia. Of course, at this time it was only tip of the iceberg, which Hektor finds out later.

After five years of working with The Captain, Hektor's bright-eyed outlook on life had dwindled down to an irritation towards the whole of humanity. He left the orphanage and started his personal career in psychiatry. He rented an office on the thirteenth floor of the Diebold Building in the city, a block from the bay coast.

His life here began to improve as he worked with "normal" insane adults. This is where Hektor worked for the next twenty-six years, before his life-long friend from his childhood in the synagogue, Eustus Friedman, who had become a judge, came into contact with The Captain. For several years, Judge Friedman presided over The's insanity hearings, never having enough evidence to put him into an asylum. When enough was enough, he ruled that The be placed with Hektor indefinitely, because Hektor had been the only person who could ever even slightly subdue The.

With The Captain's first reunion with Hektor, he changed the course of Hektor's entire world, dragging him into space to deal with The's world directly and inescapably.

This is the Captain speaking...Now leaving cognition.